
Why does this commercial say that this mom is s******g the planet? There is nothing wrong with a hummer.?

by Guest32800  |  earlier

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  1. there is nothing wrong with a hummer. its just a hummer uses a lot of gas and if everybody uses to much gas it causes global warming.

  2. Because the Hummer puts bad gasses into the air and then our ozone layer gets destroyed quiker...

    But I love the environment but cars are not to blame...

  3. LOL! thanks i love the punchline..

    whats wrong with it? it's a tank! is she going to war? oh, yes, i suppose thats the point isnt it. pity any poor bike rider that gets in her way.

  4. Because a bunch of ignorant liberals.  

    Personally, I am a strong supporters of the environment.  But I think blaming car companies for making Hummers are just wrong!  It is the people that want to buy Hummers are at fault here.  GM is simply producing something that people want.  

    Look at the gas price now and what happened to SUV sales?  GM's truck sales are down 27%!!! and Chevy Trailblazer is down 70%!!   That speaks volume.  It is the consumer's behavoir that we need to change.

  5. Because the mom is making poor,selfish choices.  She has no need for a vehicle that pollutes far more than is necessary, and uses far more gas than is necessary.  It may be her money and her decision, but it affects everyone else.  When our own government admits that oil access is a matter of national security, it is irresponsible to then wantonly waste oil just because you can and want to.

    As for the person saying that it's not the car maker's fault, just the end user, that's a copout.  Both sides are responsible.  Just because the demand is there doesn't mean the maker has to produce the goods.  Using that logic, I guess we should only punish illegal drug users, not the manufacturers.  After all, they are only making it because there is a demand.

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  7. No, other than it hogs gas, hogs other resources to keep it running, and is monstrously dangerous to drive, ain't nothin' wrong with no hummer.  Yeah, she's s******g the planet!

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