How come people who don't work are rewarded with welfare, food stamps, free emergency care (for being un-insured), etc..etc...etc... But I, a hardworking man, must reach deep into my pockets for my medical care, groceries, school, taxes, etc..etc..etc.. Oh, I forgot to mention, my taxes pay for the lazy people's free handouts.
Note: I work at a hospital where the illegals and uninsured come in to the emergency room when they have a cold. they can't be turned away, so they use this as their primary care physician...Don't think it doesn't happen at your hospital, it does. And YOU are paying for it.
Also, when volunteering at a charity event for the less fortunate, it was amazing the people who pulled up in escalades (with those spinnin' wheels) for their grocery checks, food stamps, free meals, grab bags, childrens toys, etc...I'm so sick of the laziness and attitude of entitlement.