
Why does this country want to put a playmate in the white house?

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Why does this country want to put a playmate in the white house?




  1. I think this question is disrespectful to women.

    The fact that a woman is young and attractive does not mean that she had no brains or accomplishments.  Her having been a beauty queen does not make her a "playmate."

  2. I thought we were far past the sexism and racism and all the other "isms." Grow a brain and maybe some logic to go with it.

  3. i am still floored by it actually. so i'll get back to you with a direct answer.  

  4. So they can do "The Girls Next Door" reruns with Hef.

  5. It doesn't matter, America lost it's self respect with the last election of 2000 and with old Bush. A long as it isn't  a black.......

  6. Because Obama would make a great playmate.

  7. They dont want a black man in there so ANY ONE will do

  8. Exactly what I was wondering.

    Obama really should be coaching the local basketball team.

  9. because they call her a "all american girl"

    i rather have a profecional in the office then a playboy bunny

  10. They are blinded by her personality and have no interest in learning about her history of dishonesty. To Republicans, "star value" has become more important than substance (which is of particular interest because they have been accusing  Obama of that for months. The hypocrisy just never ends!)

  11. McCain wants to go over delicate details in the White House in a very seductive manner with the Wilderness Barbie ! Plus he likes her "assets" !

  12. lol.

    I get she's a VPILF.

    I don't get why you'd think she's unqualified.  

    Especially compared to Obama.

    Seriously friend,  you DO realize the Dems are supposed to be AGAINST blatant sexism.  

    Are we supposed to disqualify Obama because he's good looking?

    Did they pass a 'can't be cuter than Hilliary' law?

  13. Oh I do apologize are you speaking of someone close to you?

  14. Because she's a woman...she's a playmate?

    You're pathetic.

  15. Who the h**l are you calling a playmate?

  16. We already have a terrorist in the white house. She would be more like a praymate.

  17. Yeah, a playmate with brains beats the dog the libs tried to put in there any day!

  18. a playmate would be much better than a yard-ape.

  19. whatever....sometimes a persons 2-cents isn't even worth 2-cents

  20. I didn't know Obama and his friends played with toys? Guess that is why they have no real solutions, they are just playmates.  

  21. and Democrats wonder why they are suddenly being called sexist.  Hmmm, go figure.

  22. I cant help it that the most conservative person  since Ronaldus Magnus happens to be a babe.

  23. Have you seen the movie Idiocracy?

  24. How is she a playmate?

    Just because she was a former beauty queen

    I don't like her either,but it's stupid to call her a playmate

  25. The Republican Party chose Palin as a distraction for the gullible voters, which is amusingly working for now, but wait until the debates, she won't stand a chance against Biden!

  26. Just compared to Hillary-pelosi-et al

    What mags do you buy to think she'd be a Hef covergirl?

    Did you see her in the Lenscrafters ad?

  27. Cause monica and hilldog are ugly?

  28. So you're belittling great and strong women huh??!!!  What about Bill clinton.  He was the biggest playmate there was.  It didn't stop him.  He was a great president.  I'm a former Hillary supporter who is independent and will do all to make sure that Palin is the next vice president.  You need to lock yourself in the cellar for a very long time buddy, and think about what you just said.  

  29. Hey don't generalize...I don't want to put a playmate in the white house!

  30. Because Bristol Palin's baby daddy was just a Playmate, that is until they stopped teaching s*x ed in Alaska and Bristol found a copy of daddy's playboy.

    Lol yes it was a low blow. But then again thats what Bill Clinton said about Monica Lewinsky. LMAO

    Oh I am bad today.

  31. 2 cents,don't quite understand what you mean by " playmate ",but it kind-of reminds me of the story about the "Political School": The politicians are all given a mouth-full of marbles at the begining.As they go along every time they give a speech a marble is removed.They do not achive being a good politician,"Until they loose all their maebles"!!!

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