
Why does this countryside look like this?

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Flying from Las Vegas to the UK we flew over Denver (I think the area may have been called Goodlands). Looking down we could see the fields that were square with perfect circles within them, some of these circles had sectors of a different shade. The whole effect made it look like a patchwork quilt ! Is this due to a farming technique or some other reason, we are completly bemused.




  1. No problem on this one.  Farming is dependent upon irrigation.  No longer are ditches used.  Modern farming irrigation equipment is mostly mechanical.  It involves a long arm of piping that extends from a center pivotal point which is the source of water and mechanical propulsion.  The watering arm is above the field, and has large tractor type wheels and tires every 20 to 30 feet.  Irrigation hoses descend from the arm to sprinkle the crop as the arm moves by.  The watering arm is moved mechanically around the center hub like a large sweeping minute hand on a clock.  It waters the crop in the circumference of its path.  What you see from the sky is the green crop being grown on the (usually square or rectangular) plot of farm land.  It is more efficient in both cost and resources than the old fill the irrigation ditch method.  Hope that helps.


  2. The circles are caused by central pivot irrigation.

    And people say The Simpsons isn't educational.

  3. they are most likely crop circles. That region of the U.S. is known for them. Some they are formed from aliens. Some it is wind. Some think it is human making.

  4. Have you seen signs yet with Mel Gibson?

  5. aliens.  close enough to area 51 to be aliens for sure.

  6. circle irrigation


  7. Yes you pretty much have it right, as do the others responding to your question.

    In the early years of the United States, the old English system of Metes and Bounds was used to describe and mark the countryside. "From the big rock N.N.W to the large oak tree 225 feet, then east from the large oak tree to Church Road 515 feet, etc. You can see the problem with that.

    As the country got larger and land was snatched up to accommodate the masses a new public survey system was developed and we ended up with, in short, the Lot and Block Survey System. So for the most part, especially from a plane, one sees roads and farm land boundary's running north to south, east to west. For us in the old colonies growing up in the confusion of twisted roads and odd shapes, the Lot and Block will drive one mad with the sameness. I'm sure it's the same for them folk here, though. Just something I noticed in my travels as an afterthought.

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