
Why does this disqualify me?

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I read that an esophageal fistula will disqualify you from enlisting in the military. why is this? i was born with ea/tef, and it was corrected the day i was born and i have never had a problem since.

on a side note, what are the hearing requirements to be in the military?




  1. Military Medical Standards for Enlistment, Appointment, or Induction

  2. The standard says current or history of esophageal disease including fistula is disqualifying. It doesn't give a reason. The hearing standards are set forth below. Anything worse is disqualifying:

    Not more than 30 decibels average loss at 500, 1000 and 2000 cycles per second.

    No individual loss greater than 35 decibels at those levels.

    No more than 45 decibels of hearing loss at 3000 cycles per second or 55 decibels of loss at 4000 cycles per second.

    The first source below is the standard for the esophageal problem.

    The second source is the standard for the hearing test.

  3. Talk to your recruiter about getting a medical waiver from your doctor. He or she will probably call it a "med doc" If you really want in, most recruiters will work with you to help!

  4. Sorry to say but joining the US Army is not a right it is a privilege albeit one that to few take advantage of.  You can do other things though like be a DOD contractor, they make way more money than we do live better while deployed and they don't have to do PT.  Or do you have a skill, can you fix helicopters for example? some of the GS workers (civilians) out here in Iraq make low 6 figure salaries.  You don't have to be a Soldier to serve or to make a difference or to be a part of something.

  5. You can probably get a waiver and join anyway.

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