
Why does this girl always say c**p about me?

by  |  earlier

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She always talks about me, like she has no life. She talks about my clothes, my hair and how I act (all pretty nice and I don't dress trashy). She even tries to annoy me by walking past me before I get somewhere. She even just waits to make fun of me for something petty and try to get someone to agree and laugh. I ignore her and don't talk to her ,but this has been going on for a long time.

What's up with her?




  1. She's Jealous.

    For sure. Ahaha.

    I suggest just going on with your life and ignoring her.

    You'll be fine without her, and if she spreads any bad rumors, tell your teacher.

  2. Like you said, "She has no life". It seems like not much is going on in her life as she is so concerned with what you do. Bring this to her attention. Seriously i'm laughing at her right now. Anyways, don't worry about her. She has no life.  

  3. She is either jealous of you or she is just really immature... ignore her  

  4. Yea, she could be jealous.

    Stay with your friends. She can't do anything if she's alone and you have friends with you.

  5. Hate to leave a simple answer. But, it's jealously.  

  6. i know how you feel and you know what people do that when they have nothing better to do or talk about and most the time they are losers so just ignore her n be the bigger person!!!!

  7. She is probably jealous, although there is the possibility that you might of hurt her in some way with out knowing it.

  8. whatever you do DON'T CHANGE. she is just jealous or very insecure about herself, if she continues to harass you get a teacher or adult to help you sort this out. If don't want to get help from adult just go up to her and ask why she mocks you.

  9. She is so jealous! I'm not going to tell you to let it go because I know it is hard. Think of some smart comments. My personal favorite goes something like this. When she says something about your clothes say, "You may think my clothes are ugly and I can change that. But you? You're ugly and you can't change that."

    or "well next time I go shopping you can go with me, pick out what you want me to wear, and pay for it." Or the best way to deal with her is to tell her straight up,  "I don't care what you think about me. I like myself and that's all that matters." Try not to worry about it too much, because if you really like yourself... that REALLY is all that matters.

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