
Why does this girl react this way?

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There's this girl in school that I kinda know. However, for some reason when I look at her in the hallway or in class she turns her head. Anyone know why?




  1. It could mean that she likes you... at least a little bit. When I see someone that I've been thinking about and I look at them and then they look back at me, for some reason sometimes my first reaction is to freak out and look away...then I realize I should have smiled or something but I think it would be dumb to look at them again (or if I do they are no longer looking at me). It's ridiculous but that's just how I am sometimes. =)

  2. There is a few likely reasons..

    A) She likes you and when you look over at her, she feels embarrassed and turns her head away.

    A2) She looks over at you before you look at her, so when you do look at her she turns away because she is embarrassed.

    There is also that likeliness that she finds you to be cute, something about you that stands out and thus she keeps on looking over at you. Maybe she is trying to get attention from you? ((I mean, if it's some random girl you must stand out to her in some way. If it's someone you know, they might like you~)

  3. She doesn't want to know you

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