
Why does this guy act super friendly to me one minute and then the next day acts like he hardly knows me?

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This guy and my roommate and her friend Monday night until 12PM had an all night fun-party, and this guy and I traded full albums fof each otehr's computers and talked a lot etc, and it was on good standing.

He told me he'd add me on AIM etc.

But then the next day he hardly spoke, to me and acted like we basically never met.


He wasn't drunk OR high.




  1. Maybe he has a confidence problem.

    That sounds like something that I would do, but only because I'm not confident in myself and trusting what people say.

    What I'm trying to say is that one day you might be talking all day with someone, and then when you see them again, you arn't confident enough to approach them, maybe in fear of rejection. It doesn't matter if you were talking to someone one day, the next day you may find it harder.

    Thats one of the problems that I have socially.

    I would probably suggest that you go upto that person and start off the conversation. That way they know that you do want to talk to them.

  2. Most likely Dissociative Identity Disorder, or split personality.  The guy that met you on Monday was an entirely different personality, "alter" of the one on Tuesday.  Very sad illness.  

  3. He was probably hoping to get into your pants that night and when it did not happen he has lost interest. Anyway he sounds like a dipstick and you are probably better off without him. Not all men are totally focused on s*x, just most of us.

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