
Why does this guy put out this type of eye contact and mixed signal?

by  |  earlier

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one day hes staring at me, then the next day he wont even look at me, and then today he didnt look at me but then when he was going to another class and i was in lunch he was looking at me?? WTFF? does he just think im cute or does he like me? or does he not even like me?

oh by the way we had a class together before so he like does recognizes me and knows who i am..but we never have talked..

we're in high school. :]

ohh and its not like this is the only thing he does..he always used to look at me last year..his friends have talked to me before and have brought him up in the conversation..he like tries to play it off as if he doesnt look at me but he's not very good at we had a couple of classes together but he never really talked to shy..anyways when we did talk it was extremely he would always say like something random but funny and i was like this year its different though hes more like the way i described in my first paragraph do you think he likes me? or ever did? or no?




  1. Hey, when I look at other girls especially if it's the way he is, it usually means I think they're very good looking and a pleasant sight, but it also usually means I want to date them and just waiting to see if they either give me a sign, or I'm trying to get the courage, or I'm waiting for the right opportunity, hope I helped.

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