
Why does this guy...?

by  |  earlier

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always glance at me when he thinks I'm not looking and when I catch him looking he tilts his head down and puts his hands on his cheeks. His face gets really dark red, and I wonder if he likes me or not.

So, does he like me?

Or is he just being a guy?




  1. he definitely likes you

  2. uuhh he likes u

  3. Umm, are you completely retarded?

    He hates you and wants to karate chop you in the jugular so you stop breathing.

    Of course he likes you.

  4. the glances ,the blushing, etc if a friend told you the same story wouldn't you assume that he likes her?the only real way to know is to go up and talk to him . it won't take long to figure out he likes you and is very shy

  5. he sounds like he likes you and does'nt know what to do about it, start talkig to him and see if he gets even more nervous doing that. If he does, he definitely likes you.  

  6. he likes you.  classic shy person move.

  7. try flirting and see if he flirts back.

  8. i would think he does. he`s looking at you then you catch him so he is embarrassed

  9. He LOVES YOU !

    Or he's like super shy ! (=

  10. lol walk up to him and say "if you don't just ask me out i'm going to think you are just a total creep who likes to stare.

  11. he likes you

  12. the poor fella is shy and really likes you

    he is embarrassed because he likes you and blushes heaps and doesn't know what to do

    just 'being a guy' is not the case here, because players and sickos don't really blush at all, and i think this guy is genuine

    if you are interested, maybe help him a bit by talking to him

  13. I think he's being a pervert.

  14. sounds like he likes you. or just thinks your attractive.

  15. well ity could possibly be both! haha. this is a sign of a crush! haha of coarse he wants to stare at ur beautiful self. someone betta watch out. haha. hope i helped((:

  16. he likes u cuz im just like him and i know how he feelin
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