
Why does this happen .. haha random..?

by  |  earlier

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whenever i'm writing, and someone says something.. i write it without realising till i check it.. why does it happen?x




  1. Probably mirror-neurons kicking in.

    When people talk, the part of your brain and nervous system that absorbs and processes what is being said also involves the tendency to mimic what is being said and how it is being said.

    Also goes same for body movements of others, particularly in conversation, or in learning situations like trying to dance.

    Autistic people tend to exibit a lack of these mirror-neurons (focused on people anyway).

    You're thinking of something you're writing while at the same time there's part of your mind that's trying to almost-mimic what is being said aloud (as just a natural part of hearing words) and loses track of which set of words was originally yours as you write.

    Ever dream something and then later you had to pause to figure out if it happened or you dreamt it happened?

    That one is even weirder. Like deja vu, only more bizarre.

  2. haha!!!i do the same thing!! bad habit of mine! I dont know why it happens!

    sometimes i laugh and sometimes it makes me mad!


  3. that is funny. same side of the brain thing

  4. Plunk your magic twanger Froggy!   Hi ya' kids, hi ya, hi ya.

  5. well i don't have an answer, but the same thing happens to happens if i'm deep in thought about something

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