
Why does this happen? i get gloomy ?

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sometimes when i am home and it rains i get gloomy. i like the night but when it rains i feel alone idk why. also a while ago i woke up from a nap and i felt and still feel gloomy. i feel bad eventhough there is nothing really bothering me. what bothers me most is that i feel down and idk what it is so i cant do nothing bout it. well can you guys tell me why this happens? how can i stop feeling like that?




  1. you're describing symptoms of depression

    if i were you, i'd see a psychologist or a psychiatrist

  2. While growing up your hormones are going crazy. At times for no reason at all we can get depressed. Also lack of sleep could do the same thing.

  3. For me, it's the opposite, cuz I feel happily gloomy when it rains! I'm 15, but I love rain.

    Is there something the rain is doing to keep you from being 'not gloomy'?

    I think it's all in your head, and it's your nature that makes you sad.

    Try finding something to occupy ur time when it games, computer, writing, drawing, chatting with friends, playing in the rain, etc

  4. You need some constructive hobbies to help fill your time.  Yes, when it rains, it can be gloomy - but it doesn't have to be.  You get out of life exactly what you put into it - try being upbeat, cheerful, listen to music or call a friend to talk to take your mind off depressive thoughts.  Write letters to relatives.  Go to a nursing home & visit some elderly residents that have no one to visit them.  Read to them, wirte letters for them, talk to them, take them some flowers - even aritificial ones are appreciated.  You will be like a breath of fresh air for them & it will make you realize you don't have things so bad, after all.  Good luck.

  5. first off this is in he wrong category, it should be in the Health > Mentalyy.

    Second off. This may be SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) it is a mental condition which causes you to be depressed because of a lack of sunlight, you can treat these symptoms without medication by buying a light that simulates actuall sunlight.

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