
Why does this happen to me every single day?

by  |  earlier

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okay so everyday yahoo limits the amount of quewstions i can ask. why is that? does that happen to you too?




  1. yeah

  2. Yes. It happens to me as well. The more you move up levels, the more questions you will be able to ask. The whole point is that the higher the level you are, the more questions you'll be able to ask so it's basically a way of making people spend more time on Yahoo! answers.  

  3. you have to get to a higher level and then you will have more privileges.  

  4. BASICALLY answer more questions to earn points.

  5. It's because you are only on level 1

  6. yeah that happens to me too. i have no idea why i think its dumb!

  7. ya but if u get to level 6 or 7 asking is unlimited

  8. get to a higher level and then you can ask more questions

  9. lol this world sucks for sum of us :P

  10. Yuupp

  11. yahoo only allows you three questions per day. once you get to level 6 you are unllimited. so get more points by answering mroe questions and that will get you to a higher level and you will be able to ask unlimmited questins.  

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