
Why does this happen to me every time I try to get hired?

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Employers say that my degree from Hamburger University is invalid:

I graduated with honors from there.




  1. Well, you don't say much in your question... are you trying to get hired at McDonnald's or somewhere else?

    I ask because the "degree" (notice I used quotation marks) doesn't seem to be very professional at all. In fact, it would all seem to be something aking to the training any company gives its employees. I know from your tone of dissapointment that you probably see that degree as a big deal, and you probably put your best to get it, but "Hamburger University" does not look like something serious on first sight, unless you are trying to get a job at McDonnald's itself.

    By the way, you aren't even mentioning what kind of job you are trying to obtain, nor what kind of training did they give you at all. Knowing more details would be helpful in order to get better answers...

  2. McDonald's teaches you how to run a restaurant following their own guidelines and policies.

    It in no way compares to a degree from a recognised university such as Yale, Harvard etc.

    This is why employers tell you that a 'degree' from McDonald's is invalid.

  3. Ask the employers for details why it's invalid, if you can get hold of them...

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