
Why does this happen to me whenever I'm angry?

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For some odd reason, my chest turns really, really red.

It looks like a rash, almost looks like hives, but it isn't.

It doesn't itch at all.

It just gets really hot.

My face and ears turn a little red, but it's mostly my chest.

I'm 15, by the way >.>




  1. It means your blood pressure is sky rocketing. The red bumps are capillaries bursting in your skin. You might want to try to calm down because it can cause damage to your heart.

  2. its the stress u get angry a lot? if u have a lot of the stress hormones such as adrenaline, that can happen. When Im SERIOUSLY stressed...I get the same thing...and anger releases many of the same hormones such as adrenaline, as stress.

  3. Could be a surge of hormones. If it's not itchy, it's not an allergic reaction. Relax.

  4. You are turning into the Hulk. Except you'll be red.  

  5. i would think it is due to your blood moving fast... ever hear the term... That makes my blood boil - meaning I am sooooo angry

  6. Same thing happens to me, but it gets itchy. And I'm also 15. Idk why. I guess the human body just reacts in certain ways to certain situations.  

  7. maybe to be angry is like having an earth quake on your spirit that's why people that never get mad look younger and feel better look at my avatar for example that's why we got the wings 5^[]^5.

  8. adrenaline is the is like when your embarrassed just a body reaction..sorry i wish i had better news for you... but it is totally natural.

    good luck

  9. Some people, usually really pale people, flush when upset or experiencing a strong emotion. I don't really know why, but I'm sure there is nothing harmful about it, besides making you kind of embarrassed.

  10. The body parts you mentioned turn red because because blood is pumping faster to those regions of your body when your upset.

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