
Why does this happen when you are married?

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I went to the gym in the woodlands last night. Had a nice workout and wondered over into the sauna. It was extra hot in there because of the smokin brunette named Brenda that I started a conversation with. She was friendly, fun AND easy to talk to! I had to keep reminding myself NOT to hit on her. There were only a few times in my adult life that I was truly amazed at a girl and this one was certainly one of them.

Why is it that there seems to be more interested parties AFTER you get married?




  1. 1. they may feel safer.

    2. They may want what someone else has got.

    3. you may be more relaxed because of your security.

    4. you might be imagining it cos you need more attention.

    5. you might be signalling cos your a potentially unfaithful git.

    6. she might be a trollope.

    7. heat does silly things to the brain.

    8. you were asleep and dreaming.

    9. a combination of the above

  2. It's a mind game that women play. They want to see if they could get a married man to stray.   That doesn't mean they intend to give you any. They just want to see your reaction while they play you like a fish on a line.

  3. because people that are married exude the "i don't give a c**p" vibe that often goes hand in hand with confidence.  as you are married, you no longer have to worry about impressing random members of the opposite s*x when you are out.  as a result, you look relaxed.  others pick up on that and find it attractive.  

  4. I know it sounds weird but when you are looking for a relationship, some people tend to give off that desparate vibe and many women will pick up on it. But when you are in a relationship you give off the i dont care vibe and look and feel more comfortable around other people because you are not constantly trying to impress them. Its just the way life is, not sure why but ive certainly noticed it too!! =]

  5. Well giving that the average single man out there these days expects their woman to go get a job.  Support them, clean, cook, and have s*x with them.  All while they sit on the couch playing video games, not showering.

    Think about it, if you were a woman and your choice was between that and a married man that is obviously stable, reliable and self sufficient.  Which one would you be more apt to chase after?

    I never had as many women hit on me when i was single as i do now that i am married.. Sorta makes me think that back when i was single i should have invested in a wedding ring to pick up chicks.

  6. It only seems, because you don't notice it when your single. Its also a case of something you want but is out of bounds making you want it more. Sods law eh

  7. No at all... its just that when u were single/in a relationship u didnt give any notice to these so called interested parties & now that u r married u tend to notice them more....

  8. Because you are looking at the traits that your partner could lack and have a mild case of the "grass is always greener" complex. She seems interesting now but if you got to know her she probably has emotional baggage, and ex husband hounding her, and emotional issues beyond your imagination. Some ppl are interesting in the beginning. Then later, you wished you never sat down beside her. Its never as good as it seems.  

  9. Forbidden fruit. Also no strings attached, only looking for s*x and not a relationship. No quicker way to s***w up your life and become a statistic.

  10. this hapened when you not really love your spouse or when you are not sure of being married! or when you are not gettting whatever you are looking for in your spouse! good luck and stay away from the new girl you met! also tell your wife about this girl! good luck

  11. I know. Kinda sucks huh.

  12. because you're so used to the love your partner has spoiled you with you start to take it for granted, and dont notice it as much as you would notice a new attractive women saying the same thing to you that your wife could say. The grass is always greener on the other side. Be happy with what you have, don't mess things up just for a cheap thrill by an attractive stranger talking to you.

  13. Married men are more interesting to women, this happens because the married men simply are not so focused on trying to avoid being a dork/jerk in front of a woman. They tend to act more natural, self confident, and women appreciate these characteristics as those of a mature, centered man, one who is being himself and not trying to impress them.

    I have heard women say that a married man is like a well aged wine, ready for the taking.

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