
Why does this keep happening??

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hi i am 13 and almost everytime that i look at a diditle clock, it is always something strange like 12:12 or 4:56 or 2:22 and things like that...but wuts creepy about it is that almost everynight i usally wake up at exactly 10:10....does anyone know what this means? but it really does creap me out cuz its almost everytime i look at a clock...anyway help??




  1. This question appears quite often in YA under a number of categories. If you search it here there are over 7000 questions about the same thing. The most common ones say they see 9:11. Others see their birthday or repeated numbers (11.11 or 2:22, etc.) I read a few and most find no reasonable explanation. The best hint I found was to search the name "midwayers" on the Internet.

    Have fun.

  2. Use an Clock Clock with hands and numbers.

    Maybe its just coincidence i don't know. :)

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