
Why does this seem like an ad gimmick to appeal to the masses?

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True, Palin's young, smart, pretty and above all, female! So why does this SEEM like a desperate ad gimmick to win votes rather than to lead this country?

I must say this goes against all the inexperience cases McCain has been trying to make against Obama. Seems like he was more concerned with trying to snatch hillary votes (which i doubt will work since hillary voters were not voting for her JUST because she was a woman) than trying to lead this country...what's your take!

Dissentions Are Welcome!




  1. Sarah Palin has executive experience that McCain, Obama nor Biden do not have. She was added to re-energize the Conservative base of the Republican Party. Some Clinton voters will vote for McCain to be punitive for what they believe was the theft of her nomination for her party, so Clinton can say that the party would have won with her and the hope that she will be guaranteed  the nomination in 2012.

  2. Its a gimmick to grab attention from Obama and the DNC convention.  Also, McCain's conservative credentials are a bit shaky.  By adding Palin to the ticket he shores up support among the base.  However, it also scares off most independent voters.

  3. Because you want it to seem that way so in your mind it is the only way you can see it

    But don;t worry you are not alone it is a typical reaction of the "Be open minded, think just like me" crowd

  4. Who is Sara ,Palin She was elected Alaska 's governor a little over a year and a half ago. Her previous office was mayor of Wasilla, a small town outside Anchorage. She has no foreign policy experience.1

    Palin is strongly anti-choice, opposing abortion even in the case of rape or incest.2

    She supported right-wing extremist Pat Buchanan for president in 2000. 3

    Palin thinks creationism should be taught in public schools.4

    She's doesn't think humans are the cause of climate change.5

    She's solidly in line with John McCain's "Big Oil first" energy policy. She's pushed hard for more oil drilling and says renewables won't be ready for years. She also sued the Bush administration for listing polar bears a

    OBAMA/BIDEN 2008

  5. Sarah Palin is the real deal, my friend. A strong woman, a natural woman, a real woman. She bags elk at 300 yards, field dresses them and makes stew for the family. That is a real woman. Maybe it is some of that Inuit blood, whatever. But she is the real agent for change in Washinton, D.C. John McCain has a partner how who can really do him some good in his Reform Movement. He will change things on the corrupt beltway. McCain knows what he is doing. He knows how to pick'em.

  6. It's a gimmick, nothing more.

    That's what the pathetic, dumbed-down population of the US feeds on these days. They love it.

    It's official: America is dead.

  7. It shows McCain is desperate to win at all costs - he is not serious about actually governing. With his advanced years and increasing signs of alzheimer's, there is every chance that if he is elected, Palin will end up serving most of his term - a very scary prospect given that she is totally unprepared for the most powerful position in the world.

  8. If it is, so what?  I've liked her for a long time.  If it works, then a woman will be holding the number 2 spot in the world.  Why does it matter if it's a gimmick.  She needs to be there, whether if by gimmick or not.

  9. Definitely seems like a really bad ad gimmick!

    I watched Palin today and noted the references she made to Ferraro and Clinton...she is being primed to use her womanhood as a means to gain votes.  Which as I listened to her really made me feel sorry for her...she really seems like a woman who loves governing her state.  Now, she is reduced to nothing more that a "cheerleader" for the republican party.  She may get a couple Hillary votes, but I am in agreement that the majority of women that voted for Hillary are democrats who would never in a million years vote for McCain simply because he has a woman VP.


  10. Because you haven't learned about who she is and what she stands for yet.  She's a force of her own.  She's not the female gimmick or someone to get Hillary voters.  Research her.

  11. I agree that it is a gimmick but there are always gullible people who will actually think that McCain really wanted her for his VP. But then he does love having beauty queens around.

  12. Hillary Clinton: Moderate Liberal Democrat

    Sarah Palin: Conservative Republican

    These two women are so far apart from each other on their politics, why is this so hard to get through to people? Women are not this shallow. I am shocked at this idea that women will vote for anything that looks like them. Because that is 'all' Palin and Clinton have in common is being a woman. Politics is broader than that.

    Palin was brought in to appease the Conservative base and to appeal to Republican women, security Moms and to put a fresh face in the race.  

  13. The 3rd party groups like MoveOn.Org are going to have a field day with this.

  14. umm because it is a gimmick.

    If Palin was a man with her extremely thin resume it's preposterous to think "he" would have been picked...

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