
Why does this site make the cursor move by itself?

by  |  earlier

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I was on my ubuntu OS and when I went to and watched a video in full screen, it seemed like my cursor was moving by itself, and none of the keys would work. This may be just because the video was taking up a lot of CPU, but I'm worried that it may be some type of malware. Can someone here check it and see? It isn't that bad and AVG and spyware doctor didn't pick anything up, so it seems safe. I'm just really paranoid.

And yes, I know it has g*y p**n on this site, but they don't just have guys....

I am old enough (20 if you must know) and I'm strait (not that there is anything wrong with being g*y)

I just wanted to clear that up before I got answers like "OMG you lyk g*y pron u r notty."

So yeah, if you guys are confident in your internet protection maybe you can tell me something.




  1. Not so sure on why the keyobard might not work, but unless you have a mouse on a plain mouse then if you stop the msoe over a piece of dirt or wood grain it will confuse the laser, thus makeing it move the cursor.

    videos shouldnt put to much pressure on the CPU

  2. if you have a wireless mouse it might be running out of batteries, or it might be the connection. make sure it's all plugged in.

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