
Why does time seem to pass so slowly when we are doing something we dislike and pass so quickly when we are...

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doing something we love to do? I know it doesnt really pass at different speeds, but it sure seems to. Any comments?




  1. Because we think time when we really shouldn't. as we all know time is continuous and steady always moving forward never slower never faster. What we do to fill that time is what really matters. when we are doing something that pleases us it takes less energy because we do not fight it, we allow it to move freely and when we do something we dislike we are fighting it, which causes more energy wasted. A saying I have given to many who has worked under me it is harder to work at ways to avoid work then to do work.

    What I do not understand is why people do things they do not enjoy. Are we not in control of that which we desire? and if the answer is no then why not.

    Example if your working a job you do not like and enjoy why are you working there and not a job that you enjoy?

    Example if your with someone who you do not enjoy being around why are you around them instead of someone you enjoy?

    For many years we have been told you should compromise and that just is not right. we learn to accept but we should never have to change to suit anyone we should enjoy everything we do or just don't do it.

  2. Because you are aware of the passage of time when you are miserable, you focus upon the clock  so often that it does not seem to move fast enough.

    And when you are happy you are unaware of the passage of time because you are having so much fun, you most likely do not focus your attention upon the clock at all.

  3. There is a saying "Time flies when you're having fun.

    Basicly when you do sonmething pleasant, your mind is on what you are doing, and you are not distracted by other things (such as thinking "I wish I were doing something else")

    When you are doing something unpleasant; you are distracted by every little sound. and youare repeatedly thinking "I wish I was somewhere else. This is boring"

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