
Why does using my new cordless house phone make my wireless broadband drop out?

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Why does using my new cordless house phone make my wireless broadband drop out?




  1. If your new cordless phone uses the same frequency as your wireless network they will interfere with each other. Your wireless router should transmit on a frequency of  2.4 GHz. If your cordless phone uses the same - that's the problem. All you need to do is get a cordless phone that transmits on a different frequency (900 MHz, 5.8 GHz). I hope you are still able to find one you like!

  2. A cordless phone transmits with a higher power output than the wireless broadband does.  If the phone operates within the same frequency range, or one of the harmonic frequencies does, this will overpower and interrupt the broadband connection.  What you are actually doing is jamming the broadband signal, which is like what the government does with Electronic Countermeasures.

    Now that you know this, you can mess with your friends....

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