
Why does verizon suck???

by  |  earlier

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i went to get online an hour after last going on the Internet wasnt working and ended up on hole for 15 minutes and with an operator the i could not understand and after a hour of doing the same thing over and over he solved nothing so i call back two hours later back on hold for 20 minutes and get hung up on.why do they suck at helping custumers




  1. Yeah I've been through that one.  We switched over to another company and have never had any problems.  Plus I saved money!  I got the same plan for half of what I was paying for Verizon.  Internet, local and long distance package for half the price!  Plus I can call anywhere in the U.S, Canada and Puerto Rico for free!

    If your interested in switching and needing to find how much their price is in your area (I don't have your information to get that, or I would of done it for you)  But you can go to  Their telephone number is (805) 343-7010 They're based in California but they are world wide.  Or you can email them.  Their email link is on the first page of their web site.

    Good Luck!  I know it's very frustrating, but you have other choices of phone companies to look at now.

  2. why does verizon suck?

    1. false advertisements about FiOS being the fastest internet when the speeds are equal to the speeds of the fastest tier of cable modem service.

    2. they charge more then cable for the same speed of service

    3. they rape there business customers, by requiring them to pay upwards of $100 for a static IP address on top of having to pay for business level service

    4. they do not allow you to host a server over your internet connection, even with business level service, and even with a static IP - cable will allow you to host a server with there highest speed tier of service, regardless if you are business or residential

    5. they move qualified people from one position, to a position in which they are not qualified for, with little or no training.

    6. they are allowing the copper network to deteriorate because all of there capital is going towards building a fiber network, portions of the copper network is leased by resellers (there compititon) required by deregulation, when they choose to get into long distance. the fiber network will not be leased to resellers. this means all customers will be retail, no wholesale customers, so higher profits, and no compitition on there network.

    7. "dry" or "naked" dsl - dsl with out dial tone, is not available everywhere that dsl is offered, and where it is, the cost is much greater then dsl with phone service bundled.

    8. data services such as DSL and FiOS are not covered under the uniform telephone service surcharges that you pay every month on your phone bill, so for those who live in rural areas, that lose money, that are subsidized by these fees there is no incentive or motivation to offer and services other then basic dial tone.

    9. they are verizon

    10. there are many more.. but these are just the ones i could think of right  now..

  3. I know how you feel!

    they answer you from who knows where..don't get me wrong I don't have anything wrong with other countries but, at least they should hire people 100% English speaking, and able to answer all your questions, they are so incompetent they really "suck" you can spend HOURS trying and trying to understand what they are saying is frustrating...

  4. sprint sucks more. they can't even get my bill right. months arguing with them. they tell yo they will get back to you  but noone calls!!!

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