
Why does veryone think the war on in iraq is solely being fought by the mairnes?

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no one ever thinks about the air force, the army, the navy, what about the rest of the branches




  1. Only if you are nieve and ill informed you would think that.

    All three services rely on one another in Combat, Navy to protect the seas and oceans, Airforce to keep the skies clear. Both support ground operations sometimes in close support and supply of Army operations.

    There would naturaly be more reports on the Army because they carry the brunt of the fight and the casualties and usualy highly outnumber the other two services in most conflicts.

    All of them deserve our respect.

  2. The Marines are the first to go, and the last to leave! OOHRAH!

    Bel, there are no ex Marines. Once a Marine, Always a Marine! Only those that are dishonorably discharged are ex Marines, and they don't deserve to be called a Marine.

  3. Uh I don't recall there being a newsflash saying that everyone thought that. I certainly don't and know it for a fact.  

  4. Your talking silly dude..

    And why does everyone think we are still having battles being fought in Iraq?

    You might want to try Afghanistan..That will be where you find the Marines are fighting.

    And by using the word "fight" we look it it as engaging the enmy face to face and not by pressing some button to drop a bomb..This is what "fighting the enemy" means to me..I'm well aware of who is where and doing what...

  5. there are no other branches.period.

  6. My best friends are Marines. I'm an army ranger. I'm usually outnumbered when hanging out with these friends and I usually have to endure the typical Marine rhetoric that's part of their allure to the public. (I don't mind it by the way, you've got to be tough skinned if you're going to serve in combat arms).  So I get that when the public hears about a conflict or fight somewhere in the world, they typically think of the Marines. But what I get to do, is smirk silently at the fact that it's the units that you don't hear about, like the elite rangers or the special forces, and know that these silent hero's don't need that public sentiment of bad *** to know that our enemies know who we are. Don't get me wrong, I have the utmost respect for the Marines. They do after all make up the greatest majority of boots on the ground next to the army. And outside the rivalry and rhetoric, they are my brothers too. But we don't need what your question asks for. We just need to do what we do, and do it well.  

  7. I have never had that impression and actually have not seen it here that I can recall; Marines writing Q&A's would concentrate more on Marine actions and Army (former and current) would do the same with Army actions; simply put it is what they know the most about.  Navy and Air Force have less people directly involved with action-the Air Force unit is there but for the most part just the pilots would be involved and same is true of Navy so they would know less about what is happening in Iraq.  The sailor on the aircraft carrier is helping fight the war in Iraq and Afghanistan but they see little or no action and have no interaction within the countries so would have little input of a lot of questions.

  8. I don't think everyone thinks the war in Iraq is a one service fight.

    What makes you think this?

    "Ex-Marine", Bel? Please. Marines are definitely the tip of the spear, but really?

  9. Most of the Troops over there are in the Army, who would assume the fighting was being done by the Marines?

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