
Why does wasting electricity add to climate change? Cause I'm really not sure!?

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Why does wasting electricity add to climate change? Cause I'm really not sure!?




  1. when you are using electricity you are atually buring fossil fuels

  2. Man emitted CO2 may have caused the temperature to rise a half a degree or so.  This is a blip on the natural trends and is essentially in the background.  The amount of warming is pure speculation.  Since it is not enough to alter natural trends to any significant extent IMO, then wasting electricity doesn't cause global warming.  It might cause the wife to heat up when she reads the electricity bill, however.

  3. It does not.  Climate change isn't happening.  They used to call it global warming, but shifted it to climate change so it would cover more.  Nothing you or anyone else does can affect the climate of the earth.  The whold idea of man-made climate change is a hoax, started up by useless scientists with political aspirations.

  4. Anything the liberal left does not like you doing, or buying, or saying, will automatically cause global warming.

  5. it doesn't in any significant way.

  6. generating electricity is mostly done by burning of fossil fuels. so when you use more electricity more CO2 is released.

  7. It seems that no matter what we do it 'adds' to global warming: breathing;sweating,eating,farting,using our cars, watching TV. I guess we are doomed unless we just go ahead and do a mass suicide. What does not add to gw is the best question besides driving a freakin Prius.

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