
Why does wealth make John Kerry an elitist but make John McCain a heroic capitalist?

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Why does wealth make John Kerry an elitist but make John McCain a heroic capitalist?




  1. repukes like name calling

  2. Elitism doesn't have much to do with wealth, or at best only relatively. It means you look at society as "lower" than you. Not necessarily with condescension but maybe even with love and compassion.  Like a bunch of in-heat dogs who can't control themselves and need free condoms for example.  That is out of love and compassion.

  3. again, you are focusing only on the superficial....x is a tall man and y is a tall man....therefore x and y must have the same opinions about everything no matter what.....

    ..."elitist" is all in the you recall the reaction of the Kerry camp after he lost.  What was their big revelation?  Did they find some flaw in the Kerry strategy?  Nope...they concluded that "too many dumb people voted."

    that, my friend, is an elitist attitude..

  4. you should ask why did Bush chicken out of going to Vietnam .... then send young people to their deaths in Iraq , that's what bugs me  

  5. Wise up dude, they are all elitists. McCain, Bush, Gore, Clintons, Kerry, Obama, Reid, Pelosi, and most of the Democrat US senators are elitists and globalists. It's just that the Republicans seem more like regular guys and the Dems appear to be condescending snobs.

  6. Elitist is a condescending attitude. Kerry has it. Obama has it. Gore has it in spades. McCain doesn't.

  7. Wealth did not make John Kerry an elitist, John Kerry made John Kerry an elitist.

    Whether one is an elitist is more of a personality factor than anything else.

    Wealth does not have anything to do with it.

    I know some very poor elitists, and I know some very wealthy down to earth people who are definitely not elitist.

    Whether one is an elitist is not that big a deal. I admire John Kerry and I voted for him in 2004 even though his personality is not the greatest.

    In my opinion personality is not a good factor to use in selecting a President.

  8. Good question!

  9. Both are money hungry. Both Obama and McCain are not going to do **** for our country. **** this countries government. all they care about is oil, money, and looking like they care. so **** it

  10. Because John Kerry keeps lying saying he's Irish catholic when in fact he's a Jew  

  11. Because John Kerry has an attitude of grandeur and speaks down to people.  McCain may have money, but he doesn't walk around like he is superior.  He and his wife have given 36% of their income to charity. Obamas 5%. Don't know Kerrys generosity.  

  12. forget about the money. just listen and watch kerry.

    just fact he always praising the french and sails.

  13. What are you talking about? All politicians are retarded elitists.

  14. It's McCain's wife's wealth you doofus.

  15. cause we like mccain :) very good question!

    lol actually i dont look at kerry as an "eliteist"

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