
Why does white num-num smell different from the other races?

by  |  earlier

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Just curious.




  1. What are you, six years old? Grow up and then maybe Mommy will tell you when you hit puberty.

  2. wtf

  3. perv siren's going off!

    *perv! perv! perv! perv!*

  4. Num-Num, what we call sweets when talking to babies?

    Probably just a different flavor then the other num-nums

  5. Are you a connoisseur? DO TELL! I wouldn't know! LOL

  6. If skin is a different color, it smells different because it has different pigmentation.

  7. wow didn't know it did but I would say diet.

    If you eat a lot of fast food and red meat it doesn't taste that good.

    Now if you eat your fruites and veggie..... even drink a large glass of pinapple juice about an hour or two before........WOW

  8. Diet

  9. the diet people are right

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