
Why does windows Movie Maker keep pausing my anime clips in the middle of my video?

by  |  earlier

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i've made amvs before and they have never done that. When I put on actual episodes it keeps freezing the video but the music keeps playing. Any ideas?




  1. Hello!

    Do not worry, this is "normal".

    It is an error of Windows Movie Maker.

    I hope a little.

    If not back to normal audio with the video, the video back to the beginning and try again.

    But this is normal.

    When you save it to your PC, the video will be normal.

    I hope I have helped. :)

    PS: Sorry for the bad English.

    I'm using Google translator...


  2. Such stoppages are usually memory problems. You can sometimes help matters by cleaning up your computer, that is getting rid of files you don't need, compressing other files, and running a defrag,

    Just rebooting your PC will often help. Also, I don’t know what size you have set your screen to, but generally speaking it helps to set your screen to the lowest resolution that will still show the complete video screen.

  3. it takes a while for all the information to load

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