
Why does wine taste better when your older?

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I remember when i was young and tasted wine, i swore to myself i would never taste it again. But now, a couple years later i see myself drinking wine a lot!




  1. i think its an acquired taste, like blue cheez  

  2. Ah, my Friend, you have matured into an adult.  Wine is a serious adult beverage with complexities and nuances that only a mature individual can appreciate.  Because wine is not just some alcoholic beverage that youngsters gulp down or swished around by some pretentious Philistine.  It is a craft of art, a quality of life enhancer that is best enjoyed with thought and deliberation.  It does taste better, because the taster has become better.  

    Just kidding, what the h**l do I know.  I'm just a wine nerd.  I thought I'd goof around with some "big" words.  

    I love wines - reds, whites, pinks, polka dots, whatever.  But to your point, as I have become older, I think my taste has evolved.  And its not just wines.  I have a friend that still do not like wines but has moved from beers to single malts.  That's huge jump.  And some friends who could smell a bud a mile away (man, the least they do is graduate to Sam Adams, or something - but no, its bud for life for them).

    If you're drinking a lot of wines now, You have so much to try now.  Been a wine drinker, collector, and student for close to 20 years but I'm still a beginner.  So much to try, so much to enjoy.  Have fun, you picked great beverage to enjoy.

  3. Wine will make you feel fine in da summa tyme!

  4. Your taste buds change like every 7 years I hear.. So say at 21 is when they change and usually they change I guess to like wine?

  5. because you learn to take small sips. As a young person, that doesn't really happen.  

  6. Wine is usually an acquired taste, much like cigarettes, cigars, and specialty beers.

    When I was younger, I liked to taste wine or beer just because I felt like I was so grown up when my parents would let me sip. I hated the taste then.

    Now, I'm very much into beers and I've even brewed my own. It really is something you more or less get used to and then it becomes something enjoyable. However, I do know people who just do not like the taste of beer or wine even though they have tried it multiple times. It's just personal taste!


  7. cause when you older your taste buds changes  

  8. Maybe it's your tongue that's changed!

    In a vertical tasting, different vintages of the same wine type from the same winery are tasted. This emphasizes differences between various vintages.

    Try it!


  9. Its just something that you grow to acquire a taste for, but I knnow plenty of "older" people that have a distaste for wine.

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