
Why does woman characterize a man's disinterest in committing to her as a "fear of commitment"?

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When in reality, that particular loon is simply not worthy of commitment.




  1. Short and simple... To make herself feel better because the guy just doesn't want to be with her. It makes it his fault not hers.

    Its really no ones fault. The guy just wants to be in her not with her. Some ppl just dont work on a relationship level. She can accept that and move on to the next guy or she can foolishly stick around hoping she will change his mind.

  2. Its just a "fad" phrase, ignore it.  Many women suffer "fear of commitment" as much as any man.  It's usually an excuse for why a relationship is not working out.

  3. A number of reasons, depends on the individuals.

    I think that some women want to be committed to feel "security" and exclusivity in a relationship, so they use the word "fear" to attack men (or women) who are not interested in the same, as if not wanting to commit was some sort of flaw or weakness. It's a personal choice. Some people just don't want to commit and some do, for their own reasons.

    If others are not content with that, they can move on with their lives and find individuals who are compatible with them and want the same things, rather than try to change or pressure (into commitment) the people they are seeing.

    Sorry for the rant.

    Edit: I agree with the answers above.

  4. Depends on the situation.. Sometimes that IS an accurate characterization; when a person wants to date around that's just what it is. Other times, it just means that he doesn't like her enough to make a commitment.

  5. They are projecting their fear of rejection.

  6. It's a defense mechanism.  Rather than accept the fact that she may not be right for him or *gasp* good enough....she points the blame at him.

  7. Denial.  

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