
Why does yahoo give you so many options for your icon if other people cant even see the whole thing?

by  |  earlier

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. . . ^.~




  1. Maybe people can't see the whole avatar on Answers, but they can when you chat on Messenger. Or if you go to Yahoo! Games. Or Fantasy Sports, Podcasts, Travel Planner, or Videos. Or about a dozen other places around Yahoo!. Your entire avatar shows up there. On Answers, there's a very small area to display your avatar and if it displayed the complete avatar it would be too tiny for anyone to see and detail at all.

  2. I wondered that myself .

  3. yeah isnt that weird??

  4. You are so right! I wasted a lot of time picking out the background, outfit, and all that nonsense.  How stupid.

  5. It is stupid.

  6. Maybe they are planning on updating the avatars later so that you could see them on your profile. They should put them on the person ANSWERS profile. Anyways you could see them on your games profile.

  7. i know its really annoying

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