
Why does yahoo permit racism?

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While playing dominoes, there are often people in there using racist words. Yahoo does not ban them. However, if someone scrolls those hateful words. They are banned until December 31, 2020. It would appear that Yahoo condones the use of such hateful words.




  1. case racisim is morally wrong and it can be considered a crime.

  2. Chill out.  your question sounds hateful to the racists out there.  they have opinions too

  3. Stop playing at Yahoo! Games or report them to Yahoo! Customer Care. Yahoo! Games is no more good, it's getting worser and worser. Yahoo! Games is turning into YaHell, so, Welcome to YaHell, and enjoy the facilities there (as long as you want to play here). I suggest you to play somewhere else.

  4. Because dominoes is where all the racists hang out.  It was actually endorsed by the KKK from 1914- 1927.

  5. This has been an ongoing problem for Yahoo for quite some time. 2 years ago I joined a Public Fantasy Football League, after the season started the League Commissioner changed the name to a racial slur. I emailed Yahoo regarding the problem along with the League Name and ID number, what I basically got back was a form letter via email saying they could not be held responsible for other peoples use of their site...even though it was violating their own Terms of Service.

  6. they cant take care of everything going on

  7. Yahoo condones racism beacause nobody likes black people, not even yahoo.

  8. It's not that they condone the words, but since it may not be brought to their attention, impose a benign neglect

  9. Maybe they haven't been reported or caught.

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