
Why does yahoo rip people off??

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Why does yahoo rip people off??




  1. Does it? Explain.

  2. dunno, but it sucks bad.

  3. I haven't ever thought that they do.  In what capacity?  Everything I've used is free!

  4. How does Yahoo rip people off? You got some nerve to be on Yahoo asking questions and ask a crazy question like this!!! Yahoo is no different from MSN, Google, and all the other sites. Yahoo has been around since the beginning of the big Internet craze! Yahoo is number one...... and if you ar egetting ripped off, then go somewhere else!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Yahoo! is an Ad-sponsored corporation. It is hard to believe, that there actually people sitting at the little desks, coming up with all these grand ideas, isn't it?

    If you have a Yahoo! 360, you can see that there are actually teams set up, to come up with and troubleshoot problems that occur within Yahoo! That to me, is amazing....with the switch to this format...the problems people have with Yahoo! Photos and their blogs......

    Its all about revenue generated, just like most everything else in the world today....and basically, what most of us are using, are the *FREE* services.....

    The only open-minded way to think about it get what you pay for...........

  6. yahoo is a websit and they need ways to fund their service.

  7. They have never taken any of my money...

  8. Everyone likes money. How are they ripping people off, daresay?

  9. Because everyone want to be in power, so when someone gets a little control, they dont know how to act.

  10. WTF are you talking about???? Yahoo! does not rip you off!!! You can't just say stuff like that without telling us about why you feel like that.  I have purchased domains and a web hosting account from Yahoo! and I've always got a good deal.  

    I don't know why you feel that why and I'm sorry to hear it, but you can just state something like that without telling us why you feel that way.  It's like saying  "Why do Ford's Suck??"  What kind of question/statement is that without telling us why you think that?

  11. Because they are a business, and businesses make money, usually because people pay them to do a service.

    In my situation, I do not pay yahoo anything, but I subscribed as a member and have access to what they have to offer me.  Other businesses, for example, that advertise on Yahoo to try to lure unwary customers into their web might find web business, uncostumary.......To rip people off would require you to state how, when, where, and by what means it happened....please tell us more, but by asking your question, you sound like you are just angry......

  12. What!? they do? Am I getting ripped off right now?

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