
Why does yellow mucus come from the v****a area?

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hey i have been having yellow mucus coming from my v****a for a week now and i have been having light cramps because i maybe starting my period i was wondering if that had anything to do wtih it or should i go see a doctor??




  1. Ovulation..

    Sometimes it's a yellowishy color or clear. I googled it..

    Generally mucus should be white/pale yellow or clear and should not smell offensive. If it is darker yellow or green, smells bad, and / or itches - it could be a sign of thrush or yeast (candida) infection so get it checked out. If you suffer form recurrent yeast infections you may need to llok at alternative remedies or lifestyle changes to nip it in the bud.

  2. Get that **** checked out.  Could be an std.... :-/

  3. It is a form of discharge.  If the discharge is yellow-green, and has a foul smell, this is a good indication something is going on, and you need to see a doctor.  If it's just slightly yellow, and has an egg white appearance and texture, then it is likely it is just ovulation and is normal.  If it is yellow-brownish, you could be starting your period.  If it lasts for more then a couple of weeks and you do not get your period, see a doctor...  there could be something else going on.

  4. well just to say about the question "why does yellow mucus come from the v****a area" well where do u think it will come out? and i think u mean yelloe discharge because yelloe isnt normal.u might be having yeats infecton. go to the docs!!!!

  5. Yellow vaginal discharge is not okay, if you've had it for a long period of time. It could be a sign that your period is coming, but it shouldn't have lasted this long. Yellow discharge is associated with Yeast Infection. If your period doesn't come in the next few days, go to a doctor. Tell him/her that your discharge is yellow. Normal discharge would be considered white, not yellow. However, since you've been having the cramps, it could also be just because of your period, but i would still go get checked out.

    Good luck. :)

  6. It doesn't have anything to do with your period. Chlamydia causes yellowish discharge, but it could be almost anything. Go see the doctor

  7. Its Called Vaginal Discharge, its perfectly normal and dont worry about going to the doctors. every girl gets it. so there's nothing to worry about.

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