
Why does your eye prescription expire after a year?

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Im very dissapointed with my eye doctor, the glasses he reccomended were the worse glasses ever the lens falls out every week and i really dont have the time to go every freakn week to fix them, after doing that for 13 months, i got fed up and wanted new glasses so i called and they said my prescription is expired by a month. I dont have Eye coverage on my insurance so i got the really expensive "last long best glasses we have" thinking they would last a couple of years.

so why does it have to be a YEAR?!!?!?!




  1. Not all eye prescriptions expire after a year! A contact lens RX lasts a year because of a federal law, this is because they are something that goes into your eye and are therefore considered a medical devise. Your glasses RX on the other hand lasts two years.

    Ask them for a copy of the RX anyway for your records and ask them even though it's expired to date it for the time of service one year ago and then take it to a optician that hopefully will make you a good pair of lenses.

    A good doctor is really hard to find, so don't settle for less!

  2. Because your eyes get worse

    *almost blindly walks into a wall*

  3. The year time is only an approximate setting for routine check ups. It's your option. I go every 2 years to check my astigmatism but if my vision is good thru the glass, I don't get new ones. You're being ripped-off. Report the company to the Better Business Bureau and get your money back.

  4. Most eyeglass prescriptions expire in one year because your eyes may change, and it is a good idea to have your eyes screened for more serious complications. If you had a problem like glaucoma, retinal damage, cataracts etc. the earlier it is detected, the better the chance of successful treatment. Some doctors write eyeglass prescriptions for two years though.

    As far as the problems with your glasses, it sounds like your lenses were cut too small from the start. They should have been remade for you. If the optician's chipped your lenses, they should also have replaced them.

    If you are not being serviced well at that location, then you should not do business with them anymore. I am sure that there are other optical stores in your area. Do a little shopping around and ask what satisfaction guarantees they offer, so that if you have problems again you are assured a replacement pair.

  5. your eyes change as you age and this happens more rapidly as you become elderly.  Don't buy the most expensive glasses if you know that your eyes change every year.  Your eyes could also stay relativly the same so that even if it changes you maybe able to keep the same glasses and not buy new ones

  6. your eye needs change

  7. All Prescriptions expire after a year.

    All control Substances Prescriptions expire after 6 months

  8. coz ur  eye number might change and many diff tings can happend during that one yr time period and Dr. want to be as accurate as they can or else they would get sued

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