
Why does your eye twitch?

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why does your eye twitch when you're stressed or angry?




  1. I'm assuming it is the predisposition gene to parkinson's disease which is the involuntary ability  of twitching and tremoring when you cannot control it.

    :) I used to twitch a lot when I had severe tremors and other huge problems but I subsided it by eating meat again and wearing eyeglasses which I desperately needed for my brain rewired itself. I actually felt pain in my brain because it rewired itself. Your brain is rewiring itself constantly but if you put it through a state of physical shock it can be even worse..thus I was feeling tremendous pain up there in my noggin -.-

    ** oh and as we all know very well when I say predisposition we know genetically speaking there may be a variation of culminating genes that could predispose this specific problem; i.e. twitching and Parkinson's, that work in conjucting with each other thus formulating the problem **

    I also want to add however most importantly people can make themselves sick aka psychosomatic I think.. a better term word would be hypochondriacs.

  2. 99 times out of a hundred eye twitching is related to stress or lack of sleep. It is just one of those things that your body does to tell you to slow doewn and rest and take care of yourself. My take on this is that when I am tired and stressed out I get angry easy. So, getting mad does not make your eye twitch, ti is the being tired, or being stresed that makes you angry easy and also makes your eye twitch. You need some extra rest, some excercise, drink your 8 glasses of water a day and eat some good fruits and veggies. I bet this cures your eye twitching in no time. Try it next time it happens. Go to bed early a couple days in a row and take time to relax. I bet you learn you can control it by controling your environment.

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