
Why does your hand prune after taking a long bath?

by Guest63402  |  earlier

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I'm just wondering..




  1. maybe you bathed in aging water and now you're 50

  2. Am I the only one who knows?


    Your skin does not allow the water in your tissues to escape.  Neither of your circulatory systems (blood or lymph) can run without water.

    However, water is not prevented from ENTERING your body.  Water wants to enter your body through your skin.  When you are in water a long time, your body absorbs it.  This increases the tissue volume beneath your skin, and you become wrinkled.  "Pruned."

  3. your skin naturally produces oils to keep itself moist and supple (thats why we leave fingerprints on everything we touch). when your in the water for any length of time, the oils are washed away making your skin start to wrinkle (also older people develop wrinkles because their skin starts producing less natural oils, thats why its important to moisturize often as you age). so once your out of the tub and dry, the natural oils kick in again to smooth out your skin

  4. Not that many people know this but.. time runs differently in the bathtub and the proof is that your skin has aged! When you get out of the bathtub, time begins to flow backwards - quickly at first, but slowing down. By the time your are dried and dressed, time is passing as it does in the Dry World again.

    Additional proof that time passes differently in water -

    Refraction. some *people* believe light travels slower in water due to some nonsense about the medium but the rest of know due to water slowing down time :)

  5. There are oils on peoples skin that keep water from going in your skin. The reason your fingers and toes prune up is that the oil washes off and water gets absorbed into your fingers. Your body however has hair on it and that hair produces the oil.

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