
Why does your nose get stopped up when crying?

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So I know this is an off the wall question but, yes I was crying last night and then all the sudden when I couldn't breathe out of my nose asked my bf this question. It caused for a good laugh, but left me wondering. So please, how come when you finish crying your nose is all stopped up?




  1. there is a duct that connect the corner of your eyes and the nasal cavity

    when your tear is a little the tear will take this path way for go out

    but when your tear become more than normal like crying the both lids and these track will lit it go out

  2. I think this was a great question!

    The first idea is that tears are being made all the time by little lacrimal glands located just above the outside corner of each eye. The tears bathe the outside surface of the eye. Then the tears are collected from the inside corner of your eyes by little tubes, the lacrimal ducts, and drained into your nose.

    All this is a normal and important part of the operation of your eyes. Crying means that you are making tears extra fast—even faster than they can be drained away. That also means that the lacrimal ducts are draining tears into your nose extra fast. So your nose runs because it is filled with tears.

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