
Why does your own voice sound different from the way everyone else hears it?

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Why does your own voice sound different from the way everyone else hears it?




  1. Wow, this could explain all those people on american idol who they have to drag off the stage, claiming "I'm a great singer, you guys dont know what your talking about."

  2. You tend to hear your voice partly through your jaw (and skull) bones and partly through your eardrum.  Since other people hear only what is sent through the air, it is different from how YOU hear it.  People who speak for a living, particularly radio personalities, learn to control their voice by practicing with recordings, so that they can hear themselves as others hear them.

  3. u hear it like a hybrid sound bcos u get a variation of the sound as it echoes in ur head and ur ears also pick up wat others hear thru sound waves in da air. so it sounds diff

  4. You are hearing from the inside.

    They hear the sound on the outside.

  5. Because of the reverb in your own head.

  6. Other people, as well as microphones, only detect the part of your voice transmitted through the air.  However, your skull and flesh conduct sound as well, so you hear a combination of the airborne sound, and the sound that travels directly through your head to your ears.  This is why your own voice sounds strange when played back from a recording.

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