
Why does your weight inccrease when an elevator accelerates upward?

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but your weight decreases when elevator goes downward ?

say i have mass of 50 kg and elevator accelerates 5m/s^2 , i don't understand how my weight increases if the elevator is accelerating in opposite direction of gravity. shouldn't it decrease?




  1. To counteract the downward acceleration of your body due to gravity, the elevator must apply an upward force equal in magnitude to your weight, or F=mg. Now to achieve the additional acceleration as the elevator moves upward, an addition force of F=ma must be accounted for. Thus, the total force the elevator applies to your body is F=ma + mg, or F=m(a+g), where g is accel due to gravity and a is the additional upward accel.

    Technically, your weight does not really increase, but the elevator applies a force to your being that is greater then your weight. Reciprocally (Newton's third law), your body applies a force to the elevator floor that is greater than your weight.

    For the case of downward acceleration, since it is negative, F=mg-ma, which is less than mg, your original body weight.

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