
Why doesant the congress set a national driving speed of 55mph`it worked once and saved gas?

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Why doesant the congress set a national driving speed of 55mph`it worked once and saved gas?




  1. Save gas for what? That won't lower gas prices at the pump and we will STILL be hooked on fossil fuel. This is one problem we can't solve by putting a bandaid on it. The only way out is by turning to alternate fuel sources. We need to make this science our national priority not play games with adjusting prices or conserving what will eventually run out anyway. We're smart enough to do this

  2. it didnt work then and it will not work now..... when the war we are in stops you will see a drop in gas since they are using more than we are in a month... if you think about it gas started going up about a year after we started fighting...... and if you think about it if the goverment wanted to slow down on it they would lose money(taxes) and there is a few thats in oil (bush) and they would lose money..... and if the goverment want people to use less they would make the car companies sell small cars or make smaller motors but yet .... they say supply and demand supply means they cant supply use fast enough.... where is all the gas places that are shut down for the lack of gas...... wheres the long lines waiting where is the demand.... sorry ive not seen it.... but what i have seen is record profits..... so whos riding the bus to work and to get food now....three hours to work and three hours back go to buy food and i cant carry 20 bags of food on the bus

  3. oh 3 you

    how about you just take back roads and drive 55 everywhere

    at 55 nationalwide you food and all goods etc prices will skyrocket because of the extra time it whould take to transport/manufacture etc

    gas prices whould still climb and more and more people whould be stressed

    over the tickets and time consumed in driving and rushing everywhere

    why whold the oil companies decrease there profit because of a mabie 3% drop in fuel consumption

    no they will just compsciate with a price increase

    good idea but times have changed and it cant be done people are already limiting there driving

  4. Doesn't matter if they do or not.  People will not obey it.

    Have you ever driven through the Desert States in the South West?  Eastern Oregon or Washington?

    There is also a cost to driving slower.  When trucks slow down the goods they carry slow down.

    There are plusses and minuses to everything.

    The solution is not to MANDATE more laws that will not be followed.

    The reality is this like it or not.  As gas prices rise the ablity of people to afford to drive diminishes.  This provides an AUTOMATIC adjustment to the DEMAND for fuel.

    Driving a PRIVILEGE not a "Right".

  5. I agree with your thoughts, I drive a Honda fit and I started driving between 60 and 65 max on the highway and it gave me about 2 mpg better average. I have dirty looks everywhere I go and I think to my self " what part of getting fuel ecomomy dont they understand" when they see its a super subcompact! for the price I paid I could have had a mustang or a sportier car but the writing is on the wall and fuel isnt going to return to reasonable for the foreseable future. I worked for over 15 years for a trucking company and a majority of those drivers that are speeding constantly are doing so because they chose to spend between 1/2 and 1 day extra at home or where ever.some are pushed that bad but not most.their fuel ecomomy isnt massively improved by slowing in the short run but rather in miles per tank load. People should be doing this on their own all ready if for no other reason than to protest the rediculous proffits being made by the oil corporations. I'd like to see the nation make a week of protest memorial day week and drive only 55 that week as well as park if possible guzzlers. truckers scheduel your fleets to be able to drive 55 max for the week as well. they are paying way to much for diesel!

  6. Well they want to you to buy more gas, it means more profits for oil consortiums and companies.

  7. It's about freedom.  You are totally free to slow down if you want to, it's a good idea, it'll save a lot of gas.  

    But the government shouldn't put a jackboot to your throat and force you, "for your own good", "to help you".  That's not how America works.

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