
Why doeseurope attack whits in south africa?

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im cursois becuse whites in the uk hate white in south africa and love black africans i mean come on why does the media hate whites but loves south africa blacks get hopsitals schools and streets and colages and whites must pay taxes




  1. Saying that Whites in the UK hate Whites in South Africa is c**p - where did you come up with that opinion? To say that UK Whites love (h**l that's a strong word) - South African Blacks - is also c**p

    Media hates whites - where do get that opinion from - I watch CNN, SKY NEWS and read a number of UK online newspapers and I have NEVER been given that impression - yes they harp on the past - apartheid this apartheid that - but HATE - you are misinformed...

    Besides your question being illegible - it is full of generalisations...

  2. Gotta take with you issue on that one MJ, apart from the first sentence which is debatable the rest is blatantly untrue. Mixed raced marriages are on the increase over here and there have been many of these that have been Rasta, living where you do I would have thought you would have noticed that.

  3. Because we are like a skeleton in their cupboard, we made them rich and then they abandoned us. They don't really like black people, they just pretend to like them. They will let black people score goals and win medals for their national teams but if their daughter came home with a rastaman then it would be a different story!

  4. It is because the white liberals in Europe like their little pet charity cases. Deep inside they probably look towards Africans as helpless incompetent beings that needs to be saved from the evil white man in Africa. These liberal do- gooders gets annoyed when African white people and black Africans sort out their own problems. They feel that they should act as the only parents for all Africans, black and white.

  5. This is because they think or believe that whites do not belong in africa. that it is impossile to be white and be african. and it is our fault africa is the way it is. never mind it is the white is africa that have kept it going. in all the countries where the white have left, it has fallen apart. take a look at zimbabwe. once the bread basket of the world! now in ruins. it is also the media, becuse they keep going on about the apartheid, but they dont ever tell the whole truth. things are worse now for blacks and whites in SA, poorer education for all, lack of housing and services, crime. but ofcourse this will bbe blamed on the white south africans, never mind the black south africans have had 15 years and done nothing to make things better.

  6. im aslo cursois whits europdoes and clogaes.

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