
Why doesn't America institute a carbon tax like other countries?

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I know that a lot of countries in Europe have this policy instituted, and it seems to work fine for them (with certain flaws of course, but revenue-wise it seems to be doing them wonders for their economy.




  1. because this is america and we control the world media and hence the minds of people globally.

    as long as we control the minds of people there is no reason to give into social pressures,

  2. Because there is no need for a carbon tax.  Besides, the majority of Americans wouldn't have it.  It is nothing more than a scam to line the pockets of politicians.  If you want me to pay a carbon tax, you have better to be able to provide me with the concrete evidence which shows that man is the cause of Global Warming.  Until that time, I refuse to be taxed over presumptions.

  3. FOLLOW THE MONEY!!! There is no one in the government will to do more than talk about such things because its a can of worms that would cost them PAC money and lose them their re-election bids. The energy producers in this country don't want it...

  4. because it accomplishes nothing, and costs businesses.

    EDIT:you could rephrase the question to this:

    why doesn't America steal more money from it's citizenry, under false pretenses, to mismanage said funds?

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