
Why doesn't Amtrak have any trains that go to Las Vegas?

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Why doesn't Amtrak have any trains that go to Las Vegas?




  1. The last train to run to Las Vegas was lost at the Roulette Table by the hogger, so they said, "No MO!"

  2. Amtrak is dependent on Government funding to operate. Our elected representatives are not the kind of people who normally ride trains so they dont realize that ridership is up in every sector of amtrak, proving time and again that people WILL ride if the option is there.

    No one has convinced our legislators of the need at this point.

    amtrak will put on routes if we provide the funding

  3. They did at one time but nobody rode plus UP doesnt

    like passeners trains on their main tracks they have a a lot

    of freight that uses those tracks

    you have to rememebr that amtrak doesnt own the tracks

    their trains travel on)

  4. They used to, back in the 1980s..  The train's name was the Desert Wind.

    Amtrak discontinued that service in the late '80s because ridership was down (gas back then was cheap and people preferred to drive their own cars to Vegas instead).

    It makes sense to reinstate the service in this day and age of $4/gallon gas, but the Federal Government is cutting Amtrak's budget every year so it's unlikely Amtrak will ever bring that train back.

  5. Congress hates Amtrak and cuts its funding every year.  They do this due to pressure from the automakers in Detroit, the oil companies, and the airlines.

  6. Others have pointed out the fact that UP / Amtrak once DID run the "Destert Wind" into Vegas.

    I just noted that DESPITE the economic downturn, the Vegas "money-men" are STILL building new hotels and casinos in anticipation OF the return of better economic times...  I think it would be WISE of them to PUSH Amtrak to open passenger service from Los Angeles, San Francisco, and "some point EAST".

    IF the trip was 700 miles or less, it would make a GREAT deal of economic sense:  cheaper than driving or flying, you would take a GREAT number of vehicles OFF the Vegas roadways, AND the casino's wouldn't require as much PARKING !!

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