
Why doesn't Australia gets rid of Bowing to Queen ?

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Australia is developed country but this Queen bowing reminds me of colonial hangover.It is time Australia becomes republic and bow only to God rather than Queen from a foreign country.




  1. The Queen is Queen of Australia,she choses to live in another country. The UK is not regarded as a foreign country.  We must never forget our beginnings. My Great grand mothers and fathers bore many many difficulties settling this country, it is a beautiful country, why do some new comers, who by the way are very lucky to be here at all, want to change things ? Wake Up . Do you know that every country except  Canada has ended in Civil War within Two years of becoming a Republic. Its no wonder when people have small minds such as yours.

  2. its manners

  3. I suggest you stick to looking after your own country & stay out of Australian affairs in that case. The Queen is our monarch & we treat her with the respect she deserves. Most white Australians have English ancestry, so to us it is NOT a foreign country.

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