
Why doesn't Barack Obama offer help to his Kenyan family?

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I saw the reports on CNN and probably Fox too regarding the poverty of Barack's half brother and the rest of the Kenyan family.

I am a bleeding heart liberal and a member of PETA. However Barack, who want to help the poor and the needy is not taking care of some of the worst off in this world, who are his own flesh and blood. Why? I can't vote for him under these circumstances, and I am sure others feel the same.

Just won't vote at all, I guess.




  1. I think it's important to remember the dynamics of Obama's extended family. He has only one sister with the same two parents as him. I would assume there is some closeness and love between them. Their relationship is probably normal or natural--they know and live as siblings.  How many American families are dysfunctional in the sense that 2 or more siblings, or even parents won't communicate for years over trivial things?

    Second, Obama's father deserted his mother (who was the man's second wife) and two small children. Obama never met or spent time with his father until he was ten years old. He said last week that the absence of his father shaped him more than his father's presence.

    Third, the man was off chasing other women and having offspring by them. Perhaps Obama's mother and grandparents knew this and would naturally want to keep it from the 2 children who wouldn't understand it.

    Fourth, Obama and his sister lived off the meagre incomes of his grandparents and mother. Certainly      they could not afford to fly around the world visiting half-siblings, and the father never organized a family get together involving all of them. Fifth, where is Obama's father? Is he alive? Is this young man able to provide verifiable proof he is a legitimate half-brother? There may be more who jump out of the shadows of ignominy  into the light of the media, claiming the same and trying to get money from the presidential candidate. It sounds so much like the quanundrum that the mother of Russian Emperor Tsar Nicholas II experienced, when for years after her family was slaughtered, was confronted by pretenders to be her grandaughter, Anastasia.

  2. Obama's brother in Kenya said he is ashamed of Obama. Maybe that has something to do with it.

  3. Because he does not want help.

    He has said as much.

    Does "only child" Cindy McCain help her half sister that she is so obviously embarrassed of?

  4. You're a "bleeding heart liberal"?

    You're also a liar.

  5. There aren't that many buses in Kenya where he could throw his indigenous native relatives under, therefore he ignores them for the time being.

  6.   His half brother has already confirmed that this report was untrue. He is not living in poverty by his OWN admission.  

  7. I agree with sme.

  8. how does it help by nt vting at all!  

  9. B.O. only talks the talk, he never walks the walk!

    He wants to tell you what he thinks you want to hear, then he will do as he wants to do.

    Think that 'guy that invented the Internet', Mr. Al "Humongous Carbon Footprint" Gore himself.

  10. i think they dont want his help

  11. He did offer.  His Kenyan relatives are too proud to take charity, though.

  12. They're too conservative for him

  13. Okay ava....IF that's your REAL name...


  14. I saw an interview with his brother in an overseas newspaper, it sounds very different from the CNN and Fox reports.

    Obama's family are happy for him, but they are not in dire poverty and they want to stand on their own feed, so they don't want charity handouts and they wouldn't accept his money. You can't force charity on people.

    Maybe you should ponder this, why hasn't Obama used his influence and position to try to get them green cards, or even US citizenship? could it be because he knows that this would be wrong?

  15. It's not his responsibility.

  16. Most liberals tend to be more generous with other people's money.  That is why they only believe in charity enforced by legislative law rather than voluntary acts.  

  17. He should help his brother get an education, but he really doesn't know those relatives, and he shouldn't be obligated to take care of them, although it would be a very kind gesture if he did.

  18. He is trying to get elected and then he will send them everything we have.

  19. He doesn't even know him, Obama's father fathered his brother AFTER he abandoned Obama and his mother

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