
Why doesn't Bono's work on population control as the key to its worthwhile goals? Doesn't it

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realize that humanity can't possibly get a handle on any of its social or environmental problems until population is controlled? WIthout that, all other causes are lost. I challenge anyone to name a problem that is not made worse by an increasing population.




  1. I think they realized that in many third world countries having children happens for a lot of reasons.  No birth control but desire and because they don't have social security and having lots of children insures that one will be alive to care and feed the parents when they are old and for additional workers to provide money for the family.  In modernized countries we have been conditioned to believe that we are to get married and reproduce and people who choose not to have kids are considered strange.  Those who can't physically have children have the medical means in which they can and don't even consider adopting anymore.  Bono can make people aware but he can't change hundreds of years of culture or medical interference or conditioning.   Can you imagine what the population would be if China hadn't adopted the one child policy.

  2. Increase in population without the corresponding increase in job oppurtinities, improvement of the economy and food production will be a major problem for any country.

  3. So instead of trying to commit a charitable work by attempting to feed, educate, clothes and provide medical attention to millions of Africans, your solution is for them to stop pro-creating.  Is that it?

    That's a commendable idea!  However, if population control is the catch-all answer to everything, maybe we shouldn't limit it to the Africans... maybe we can use a little of it here!

    The economy is not doing so well, why not pass a law that says no American family can have another child unless and until the economy springs back into better times.  Oh, and I understand we are having a major problem with people not being able to afford healthcare.  Less babies mean less trips to the doctor.  So we should enact population control for that reason as well.

    Of course, what's to stop us from the big baby block if the war effort continues... because who wants a child to be born into strife and turmoil?  And of course, with the current reports of global warming... don't you think more children will only cause a more rapid depletion of our natural resources?  

    I guess the point I'm trying to make is that when we decide the solution to any problem... be it famine or disease or poverty or war... is an inhuman and unrealistic idea.  How about we actually look as Africans as human beings rather than just Africans?  How about we exercise humanity in every effort available, even if it is a pipe-dream of a solution?

    I pray for the day your life and your welfare is not hanging on a thread.  I can't imagine how much worse it could be for anyone in that position, but I can tell you that the suggestion that a few less of them might ease their pain is not only thoughtless but it is heartless.  Your solutions sound more like "ethnic cleansing" than anything.

  4. totally agree

    mike- The world is overpopulated, overpopulation is not calculated on how much space someone uses but rather how much resources they use- 6.5 bil. IS too much. Yes you could fit them into texas, but what about the pollution that 6.5 billion people produce.

    If you bring the worlds population down many many problems would go away.

  5. The world is not over populated! That is an urban legend. If we developed the entire state of Texas we could house then entire world's population there in that one state with ease.

    The problem isn't population it's how we manage our resources.

    In counties that have implemented these crazy population restrictions the families all want boys. Thus the girl babies are aborted so they can try again for the boy. Thus there are going to be a lot lonely men in China who can't find a wife. Tens of thousands if not millions! A disaster.

    This crazy idea of population control is the very reason Europe will be completely dominated my Islam by 2050 at the latest. Good going all you “progressive” wizards out there. You are about to take a huge leap back to the stone age!

    I want to talk today about what I call the “myth of overpopulation.” As always, let’s start with some facts:

    "The world has 6.5 billion people. That sounds like a lot of people because numbers in the billions are often intimidating, but raw numbers have to be interpreted in order for us to understand their meaning.

    Let’s put those numbers into a visual context. Imagine for a moment, the state of Texas. If we were to transport each of those 6.5 billion people to Texas, we could provide enough two bedroom homes with 1200 square feet of living space for every single person on the planet! If we took them to Alaska instead, we could literally double the amount of living space for each person. Now that’s incredible!"

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