If you take a look at www.alexa.com you will see the world's most popular web sites (not necessarily in this order) are google, youtube, ebay, facebook, msn, etc.
Then look at individual country statistics. Each country (Eastern, Western and in-between) seems to be quite similar -- except for Mainland China.
Instead of Google, China has Baidu.
Instead of Youtube, China has Youku (and Tudou and 56)
Instead of eBay, China has Taobao
Instead of Facebook, China has Xiaonei
Instead of MSN, China has QQ.
All of these are almost exact copies.
The reason isn't "language difference" -- after all, each of those American-invented web sites has a Chinese version.
The reason isn't "cultural difference" -- we all like to read news, buy/sell things, chat, watch videos and social network.
So what's the (economic or otherwise) reason China copies these and doesn't innovate?
I have been in China for 2 years and I think I have it figured out -- but I want to hear what you all have to say.