
Why doesn't FOX air the race live?

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I just stayed up all night because says the race is on at 7 CST yet FOX being the (insert curse word here) that they are, decide that we don't need to see it live? I realize that they probably get more viewers at noon but why do they have to post air it when live is obviously what we are used to?




  1. Bernie doesn't allow it.

  2. i know how you feel. we had the cable guy come over at midnight last night and hook up the satellite so we could watch speed, but apparently none of our new 700 channels will show the race until 1. so it basically blows.

  3. Umm, where do you live? It could be 2 things:

    1. Some other channel has the exclusive rights to air it live. Back in South America we used to watch it live on national tv stations but then I think Fox Sports (the south american version is mainly from Argentina) bought the rights so the national station would only air it at noon (At least I think this is the reason, otherwise they're just plain stupid). Fox had better commentators anyway. So maybe there's another station that airs it live in your country/city.

    2. There's not enough interest from the audience where you live. So they don't air it live. But that would suck, I hope it's 1.

  4. good question

  5. Tell me about it and we're gonna be dealing with it again for Silverstone!

  6. tell me about it. I found out the results on before it aired here. America sucks for good Quality racing.

  7. You can see it on you tube espn clip RIP Scott

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