
Why doesn't God grant all people the intellectual capacity to worship him?

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To all - I was actually talking about the mentally disabled, but the whole 'belief on a curve' allusion didn't escape me.




  1. Actually it's the people with the higher intellectual capacity that DON'T believe in God.

  2. Some people would say that the mentally disabled actually are blessed to be the way they are.  Things are so simple to them.  They don't have complicated over thought about lives.  They enjoy small things and love everyone.  Yes it's hard for them as well I'm not taking that away from them.  You don't need to be intellectual to worship God and people with mental disabilities are very capable to love God and everyone else. Give them a bit more credit they may seem dumb to some but to me they are a different kind of intelligent.  There simplicity is perfect.

  3. To worship the Lord, all you need is a humble heart that is turned to Him. God hides things from the wise and intellectual and reveals them to the humble like children. Mentally disabled people are able to worship the Lord as much as anyone.  

  4. because he's IMAGINARY.

  5. a man does not fall backwards into the arms of his friend because he has no faith in his friend

    god has nothing to do with intellect or lack of

    it is faith

    belief without a proof

    there is no proof or disproof of god

    there are plenty of idiots on both side of the theological spectrum

  6. Oh, I think you got that backwards.  Those people who were given intellectual capacity soon realized there is no god

  7. Sorry but I find that the intellect/religious belief scale is inversely proportional.

    Hey, lots of children believe in God and then they grow up and lose faith. How often do you hear of it happening the other way around?

  8. Then you know how much He loves you. Even if He had stricken you stupid.

    Blessed art thou!

  9. Silly you, you meant "incapacity".

  10. He knows that His appeal is big among those with less education.  The intellectual capacity that God gave out was to the people who see through all the man made religious dogma.

    Education is not conducive to religion.

  11. God created everyone with an insting to worship him.However he doesn't force you to do so.That's why some people choose to worship other god's or they worship themselves.This is the way that's it has been sense the beginning to time.

  12. He did. Believe me, if I'm smart enough to do it everyone is :)

  13. Same reason that he doesn't grant anything to anybody else.

    He ain't there.

  14. He does. Many refuse to do so through arrogance, pride, and inflated self-worth.

  15. Everyone will have an answer based on their religion.But based on mine,this material Universe is a place of suffering and we are here because of a reason,some mistake we may have done.We are going to incarnate from low species of life to higher and higher species of life.There is life beyond humans that are far more intelligent,but as humans,we are the dumbest smart lifeforms.We can think about our existence,and we got to this status because of karma.We are almost done with our journey,we can now seek salvation,learn about god and dedicate life to spiritual advancement.But if you waste human life with stuipid things,your next birth will be based on your karma.In that sense,your born in the status you are based on karma,but in no way does that mean you shouldn't help those less fortunate.Ultimately,god seeks for everyone to be able to have a brain that has the intelligence to be able to realize what they have to do with their existence.So lets say the worst possible person dedicates his life to spirituality after a turn around.He may have done something good in his past life to get that privelege.So be happy that you know your purpose! No matter what religion you are.

  16. I would think it would be the lack of intellectual capacity that leads to worship.

  17. Because worshipping God isn't dependant on "intellectual capacity" he is more interested in the condition of the heart.  Even people who have less than average intelligence can worship God if their heart is right.

    In fact Jesus clearly indicated that it wasn't the "wise and intellectual" ones that God was revealing himself to.  People who are wise in their own eyes tend to be proud and don't have the humility to submit to God.

    Matthew 11:

    "25 At that time Jesus said in response: “I publicly praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and intellectual ones and have revealed them to babes."

    The Bible also speaks about the early apostles and calls them "unlettered and ordinary".  This doesn't mean they were illiterate, they could read and write.  They simply weren't highly educated.  The highly educated ones tended to look down on the rest of the people and were themselves too proud to accept Jesus and the miracles that he performed.

    But God looks at the heart.  And since he doesn't interfere with free will, a person has to WANT to serve him to have the right heart condition, to be in an approved state with him.  So no, God doesn't "grant" that to us.  We have to choose it.  We have to be humble, and willing to be like the "young child" that Jesus set in the midst of his followers when he told them that they must become like that "young child" in order to inherit his kingdom.  We ourselves can choose to be proud and haughty, or we can choose to be childlike and trusting of our God.  It is OUR choice.

    That is really a nice thing when you think about it.

  18. Do you mean to ask, why didn't god make everyone dumb fcuks?

  19. We must question the story logic of having an all-knowing all-powerful God, who creates faulty Humans, and then blames them for his own mistakes. A God who kept tinkering with the universe was absurd; a God who interfered with human freedom and creativity was tyrant If God is seen as a self in a world of his own, an ego that relates to a thought, a cause separate from its effect. he becomes a being, not Being itself. An omnipotent, all‐knowing tyrant is not so different from earthly dictators who make everything and everybody mere cogs in the machine which they controlled. An atheist that rejects such a God is amply justified.

    I refuse to believe in a god who is the primary cause of conflict in the world, preaches racism, sexism, homophobia, and ignorance, and then sends me to h**l if I’m ‘bad’ and if YOU believe in a God then Faith does not give you the answers, it just stops you from asking the questions. There is a reason why Creationism is a belief and Evolution is a tried and true Theory on both micro and macro-evolutionary levels.  

  20. google the video "99 Balloons" and you'll understand

  21. intellectual! who are you kidding

  22. Ask him when you see him.  Don't hold your breath.

  23. You are making the presumption that atheists are not intelligent.

    That is an erroneous assumption to make. To even suggest it shows a lack of intelligence.

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