
Why doesn't God take away the free will of people who do evil things?

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So that the rest of the world can live in peace and happiness?




  1. The Bible says that we all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.  So all of us, to varying extents, do evil things.  Do you want God to take away everyone's free will?

  2. If you stop and think about it for a second, the concept of "free will" seems pretty far fetched, doesn't it? I mean, synapses, electrical pulses in our brains, are what make us think one thing or another, do one thing or another. If we could know the exact location of every pulse, every particle in your brain, we would know what you were going to do before you knew. The only reason we seem to have free will is because we can't do that yet.

    I believe that everything was predetermined at the beginning of the universe, with the big bang. One particle hit another, then that one hit another, than that one hit another, and so on and so forth. We're just riding out the chain reaction.

    At least, this is how it seems to me. Not to mention, it's something interesting to think about.

  3. because he doesnt exist

  4. The redeemed will live in heaven forever in peace.  God Himself will wiped away every tear and there will be no more pain or sickness or suffering or death.

    But as for the evil will of people now... to an extent that would be the will of everyone.  We all have a fallen nature.God doesn't take away the will, but by grace draws with cords of love, changed hearts and transforms the will ,changing some by grace.

    "Therefore brethren do not be conformed to the world but be transformed by the renewing of you mind that you may prove what the will of the Lord is,  that which is good and acceptable and perfect"  Romans 12

    God changes hearts of those He saves according to the promise of a new covenant in JEremiah  where God will give them a heart to do His will.

  5. Men do it for him when they send people to Jail.

  6. God brings out a better good from people's evil than if there had been no evil.

    Romans 8:28 says all things work together  for good for those who are called according to his purpose.

  7. Because according to your GOD masturbating is evil and thereofore with your religion there is no balance of evil.

    Who could judge evil?

    If that was the case all of the preists molesting children would be in jail a long time ago.

    Why even bother to pray if God has put free will upon us?

    GOD told me to kill that lady and throw her kids off of the bridge. Nothing but a bunch of Crock

  8. Because all of us sin so therefore none of us would have free will which defeats the purpose of humans having free will...

  9. I wonder...

    ask him in your vigils

  10. One rule for all.... otherwise people would be saying he is unfair and favours the others more!... What sort of God would that make him?

  11. When the times come all things will be happened

  12. Because pain is pleasure.

    At least all my Masochistic friends seem to think so.  Would it be right for God to take away the free will of a s****t, just because everyone else wanted to live in peace?

    We'd be completely defenseless against the first wave alien invasion.

  13. Amen

    but that's not in His plan.

  14. He would if he did not suffer from the minor problem of being nonexistent....

  15. I've asked Him to take away my free will many times. But He simply won't do it. It's what makes us human, and is His promise to us. We need free will in order to have faith.

  16. He could eliminate evil, however genuine love cannot exist unless freely given through free choice and will and thus man was given the choice to accept God’s love or to reject it ... choose 'good' or 'evil.'

    Evil (at least in my book) is rebelling against God. And if God didn't give us the choice to rebel against Him, we wouldn't have much in the way of free will. We'd be able to take our pick of Good (and, therefore, we'd be following God's will (which is, be Good), which is what He wants us to do). Ooh. Big whoop. No real choice there. It's like saying, "You're gonna get executed. But take your pick as to how you wish it done!" It doesn't matter what you do, you still end up dying. The same applies here. If all of your options are good, (in accordance with God's will), then it doesn't matter what you choose.

    God knew the consequences of giving us free will, and He obviously found them acceptable, probably because love due to free will is a far greater thing than love on command. To rob humanity of mind, the source of all human dignity, would be an evil which makes the sum total of all the atrocities humanity has ever committed look positively benevolent by comparison. Simply going back to retcon the decision has the same basic effect.

    So the only way for God to eradicate all evil (at least, in the quick-fix manner which most people who make this argument seem to want to happen), now that the proverbial genie is out of the bottle, would be to do something far, far more evil than anything which has ever been done: the mass dehumanization of some six billion people, plus all their descendants. If God is truly omnibenevolent, then this is not acceptable.

  17. God wants people to love Him of their own free will.  Taking free will away from them would mean that they are loving Him because they have to not because they want to.  He doesn't want robots He wants people.

  18. I've often thought that aswell! I reckon the generic answer would be "He's testing our faith".. If i were god i wouldn't create people intelligent enough to turn against me!

  19. Because

    I think that the world(or God)has a plan and there is no way of obstructing that plan, so anyone who tries ends up paying for it in the end.

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